Genuine Report 032

Genuine Report 032

The World

The Place

Politics & Religion

Between Iraq and a Hard Place


The Place to Speculate


The Place in the Sky

Sport & Combat

The Place Above the Sky


The Third Place

The World

The Place.

Globe /

“Alien’s” take over Bayside Mall in Miami on January 1st 2024.

  • Japan is the 5th country to land on the Moon, to study the mantle and uncover its origin.

  • FDA approves Neuralink implant ‘telepathy’ program starting with Noland Arbaugh.

  • Harvard finds cresomycin can kill many anti-biotic resistant superbugs.

  • UK Defense program confirms DragonFire Laser trials are successful.

  • Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin for the first time in the West since war with Ukraine.

  • Epstein’s client list is released with both Clinton’s and Trump’s name, while P. Diddy is exposed for running a similar ‘blackmail’ ring throughout Hollywood.

Africa and Middle East /

South Africa addresses Israel’s genocidal intent in Palestine, yet slow to address it’s own annual murder rate of 27,000.

  • Iran-backed Houthi’s protest the attacks in Gaza by targeting ships passing Yemen and headed to Israel.

  • Iran sets sights on the Antarctic; Russia has sent up Iranian Pars 1 satellite to provide greater military intelligence for IRGC.

  •  Russia Pacific frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov docks in Eritrea in the Red Sea, while they also bolster presence on Syria near Israel’s Golan Heights.

Europe /

NATO commenced military exercise ’Steadfast Defender’ to test ability to address new fronts against Russia.

  • The Finnish elect center-right President Alexander Stubb, a NATO backed leader with strong anti-Russian position.

  • Hungary’s first female President Katalin Novák resigns due to controversial pardon and impact to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s reputation.

  • Putin is re-elected for his 4th Presidential term, with his opposition Alexei Navalny is dead, he secured 87% of the vote.

  • Ukraine pauses elections in 2024 and Zelensky overhauls military leadership for issues with corruption and political concerns.

  • France’s Macron suggests sending soldiers to Ukraine as a backstop to hold back adversarial Russian forces.

  • Small holder farmer’s protest throughout Europe on subsidies limitations and penalties on fertilizer and diesel for climate change initiatives.

  • King Charles III has been diagnosed with Cancer, while Princess Kate Middleton recovers out of spotlight as she too declares cancer treatment ahead.

North America /

FBI Director calls out Chinese hackers Volt Typhoon malware revealing 2024 plans to attack U.S. Infrastructure.

  • Singaporean cargo ship crashes into Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, the suspension collapse will upend industrial and commuter for years.

  • 215 bodies found buried in unmarked grave behind a Mississippi Prison, and Alabama state prison faces lawsuit for organ theft of dead inmates.

  • Immigration issues fuel Republicans ire for lack of Federal support and Democrats challenge GOP to support a bill with reforms.

  • Texas’ Operation Lone Star tackles enhanced border crossing measures and deportations for those without Visa’s – in lieu of Federal measures.  

  • Mexican President, AMLO, proposal for stemming U.S. Border immigration requires financial support from U.S. to Central and South America.

  • Haiti’s PM Henry could not return after gang violence overtook political stability. Could security support from Kenya be a refreshed opportunity.  

Asia /

President Xi’s New Year’s statement acknowledges the economy saw a ‘tough’ year but will rebound with the peoples ‘tenacity’.

  • Pakistani election chaos puts Imran Khan’s PTI  ahead rejecting the military backed Nawaz Sharif and PML but who will ultimately take power.

  • ISIS-K with Tajikistan links attack Moscow Music Conservatory, hundreds dead and wounded, while Putin connects Ukraine and U.S. C.I.A to the attack.

  • DRPK ‘test’ underwater nuclear weapons and ROI dissolve HQ for any Korean Peace talks. Japan hit by multiple tsunamis in January.

  • DRPK, along with Iran, equip Russia and their artillery capabilities, upgrading Russia’s FAB-1500 to Glide Bomb with precision up to 50 meters.

  • Vietnam President Vo Van Thuong resigns under corruption scandal, his replacement may reveal if Vietnam takes a side in US-China relations.

South America & Central /

Ecuadorian cartel leader, Fito, escapes bringing retribution and resulting in 60 day curfew.

  • Argentina elects right-wing Javier Milei, realigns with the West and turns away from BRICS, as he aggressively re-structures the economy.

  • Venezuela continues claims for Essequibo in Guyana, due to large oil reserves, while mystery ‘Venezuelan’ tanker runs aground in Trinidad.

  • Ecuador is poised to challenge Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana in Cocoa production, at a time when the commodity is trading 3x the price due to scarcity.

  • Chilean wildfires in 2024 were deadliest on record, but likely tied more to monoculture farmer practices then climate change temp. increases.   

Politics & Religion

Between Iraq and a Hard Place

(March 15th 2024) - Toronto, Canada

The Cradle of Civilization, the Levant, the North of Africa, and the Near East of Asia. However you want to describe it, it’s home to 370m people, with every religion represented, every global economy dependent on its success, and a history of unrepute.

The land is no longer fertile, and the culture has developed itself as a pass through – where merchants act as middlemen on a silk road, or via the Egyptian Suez Canal. Echoes of enlightenment fill old libraries and museums, but The Crusades (1095-1291) took something of value back to the Latin Churches, at time when the European’s found new deep sea routes to the East. The 20th Century global relations renewed as a discovered need and dependency on Oil, came to define the new identity of the Arabian Peninsula, for better or for worse.

The Recent Past

At the end of World War II the League of Nations, rebranded as the United Nations (UN), took efforts to both settle and create border disputes throughout the Arab lands. An Israeli State was created (1948), a Kurdish one was promised and the Turks felt like they were Ottoman’s, again. The division between the Muslim Shia (Iran) and Sunni’s (Saudi Arabia) define the regions temperament best, with American Imperialism support and desire to ensure local dysfunction. To showcase economic strength OPEC was created (1961), later backed by Russia, to control the supply and price of oil as a commodity. In response America partnered with Saudi Arabia to upgrade regional telecommunications and weaponry, as long as oil trade was conducted in U.S. Dollars (1973). In the 1980’s strife between Iraq and Iran, fueled by American arms, set the relationship with America that lasted for 3 decades of violence and fighting.

The Current Present

Today, the coastal cities thrive on open enterprise and hospitality (ignoring religious differences), and the interior fights a long waged battle between the Jews and the Muslims. While Christians sponsor the efforts from afar, the Orthodox on one side and the Evangelical’s on the other, each finding a way to profit.

As shale extraction in North America now represents the greatest production of global oil and gas, the Arab Nations (and Russia) look to the East to demand their supply, resulting in a global order shift. In August 2023, China brokered a deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia to maintain peace, which lasted up until October. When Saudi Arabia and Israel began to negotiate terms for trade relations in September 2023, they left both Palestine and Iran out of the discussion, antagonizing a war between the Iranian IRGC proxies and the Israeli IDF that has since brought the rest of the world, the Hague and others in with opinion and sentiment.

The Many Futures

  • > If the UN sees fit to support the ‘Peace in the Middle East’ process, the blueprints are set out in previous Accords, Camp David (1978), Oslo (1993), and Abraham (2019).

    • For success all parties need to compromise and accept; a Saudi civilian led nuclear program, a two-state solution in Israel-Palestine, overturn the Israeli Netanyahu government, relieve Iranian sanctions.

    • Key:  Europe, particularly Turkiye, Russia, the U.K. and the U.S shall only remain as observer states.

  • > If the BRICS were to support the region, trade with Russia and China continue with impunity and no Western restrictions would be placed on human rights or democratic principles. However, a need to trade with the West for economic and technologic input will still reside, but at arms length.

  • > If the U.S. gently exit the region, as oil production interest dwindles, then they may limit their support for Israel and build relations with Turkiye, who represents the greatest regional military power within arms reach of the region.

  • > If the U.S. wants to cripple Iran, they will strike Kharg Island which supplies 50% of China’s Oil energy.

  • > If Iran wants to cripple the region, it can continue to limit traffic throughout the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.

  • > If Saudi Arabia wants to rebrand the region, its vision of 2030 is a good growth plan that will open its borders as a place for global tourism, in a similar fashion seen in Dubai and the U.A.E.

  • > If Israel wants to find regional stability, they will renew economic trade talks with the Arab nations and build economic relationships that take in compromises to support key rights for all Palestinians.

In all outcomes, the U.S. looks to become less of a broker in the region, and Israeli / Arab relations need to find economic incentives to overcome the long history of religious difference. 

21st Century Timeline

2000 – Israeli troops leave Lebanon; Second Intifada

2001 – al-Qaeda attacked sites in the U.S., event is known as 9/11

2003 – U.S. invades Iraq

2004 – Houthi insurgency in Yemen

2005 – Syrian troops leave Lebanon as a result of the Cedar Revolution

2006 – Israel-Lebanon conflict; Saddam Hussein executed for crimes against humanity

2010 – Arab Spring; protests in Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen.

2010 – Syrian Civil War (the ruling Ba'ath party and various opposition parties.)

2014 – ISIS rises in Iraq and Syria

2015 – The Saudi intervention in Yemen

2019 – ISIS is defeated in Syria and Iraq cease by 2019

2020 –Assassination of Qasem Soleimani, Abraham Accords

2023 – October 7th attacks by Hamas within Israeli borders


The Place to Speculate

Airline Industry / Entering into 2024 an optimistic energy held the industry with business travel and tourism expected to grow in a fully post-pandemic world. However, Boeing reveal their quality control measures were lacking, in sacrifice to Executive Bonus’.

  • Turkish Airlines place largest order in Airbus’ history with 220 aircraft.

  • On January 5th, Alaska Airlines flying a Boeing 737 saw an emergency door blow out due to poor installation. As quality controls have been under investigation, it is questionable how Boeing whistleblower John Barnett died one week into legal depositions.

  • Although American Airlines has dropped 90% in value since 2018 and underperformed the S&P in ’21-’23 – many are watching AAL for growth in ‘24. Although consensus it is will be modest growth, if any.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) / With community acceptance of new AI programs, the reality of its presence in society and as a commercial product takes root.

  • OpenAI ‘s commitment to open source and transparency, has been replaced with a strong commercial relationship with Microsoft and an ethically questionable new set of board members including Dr. Sue Desmond-Hellmann (Pfizer & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Nicole Seligman (Sony Entertainment), Fidji Simo (Instacart), Larry Summers (U.S. Sec Treasury and World Bank). Bret Taylor (Facebook) and Adam D’Angelo (Facebook).

  • NY Times issues lawsuit against OpenAI for copyright theft, with ruling to set landmark decision.

Gold - Trades at ultimate highs of $2,235 US/Oz, as a safe haven asset, with global central banks representing the largest consumer.

Oil – Despite instability in Middle East, and Ukraine’s attacks in Russia. Production and reserves meets demand, prices remain stable.

Crypto – Acceptance into the Spot ETF markets, have driven Bitcoin to double in value in 2024 with continued signs of growth.  

Oil and Gas Industry / Despite limited growth in new drilling wells, American production has surged in excess and resulted in many players merging and preparing for long-term planning for years to come as a global exporter.

  • Diamondback purchases Endeavor for $26B, solidifying U.S. dominance in Permian Basin petrol, Exxon purchased Pioneer Resources for $60B, Chevron said it would buy Hess in a deal valued at $53B and finally Occidental Petroleum purchases both Anadarko Petroleum and CrownRock for a combined $52B purchase.

Financial Markets and Crypto / Wall Street moves the Crypto market with successful ETFs pushing Bitcoin up to new high, as old players, like Sam Bankman-Fried being sent to prison for 25 years.

  • January 9th, the SEC X/Twitter account was hacked approving Spot ETF for Bitcoin, a surge in Bitcoin rose.

  • January 10th, Bitcoin ETFs were approved, and hove since grown 50%, with the largest being Grayscale (GBTC), BlackRock’s IShares (IBIT) and Fidelity’s Wise (FBTC).

  • Larry Fink is bullish on the SEC classifying Ethereum’s ether as a security and leading to options for a new ETF.

  • Ripple introduces RippleNet and On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) for US Banks to adopt XRP for standard global transfers.

  • Capital One initiates a takeover of Discover through $35B purchase.

  • HSBC retreats to Asian Market, due to pressure from Ping An, and RBC buys Canadian arm for 13B.

  • Softbank loses 6.2b as bet on WeWork as fell through with their official bankruptcies.


The Place in the Sky

(March 1st 2024) - Toronto, Canada

With today’s technological developments, every month feels like one step further in the great future beyond. Yet, until we have the flying cars that we were all promised in the 20th Century, some of us remain – holding our breath.

Are eVTOLs the promised “flying car” technology of the future?

eVTOL (Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft have come about through major advances in propulsion (motors, batteries, fuel cell and electronic controllers), and making them suitable for urban air mobility. There are many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) start-ups leading the tech advances, with legacy aeronautic budgets from Airbus, Honda, Toyota, Boeing (partnered with Larry Page’s ‘Kitty Hawk’ project) being devoted with R&D attention.

The demand has been present for decades, but only now is the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) sector ready to surpass the aged helicopter technology we are all so familiar with – and 100 times quieter, with limited to no carbon output. In 2017, Uber published a paper on a project called ‘Elevate’ outlining the opportunities with specific business traveler markets and Joby Aviation developed them further.

Additional areas of focus can redefine parcel deliveries, agricultural crop protection and covering, Emergency Medical Services, and without a doubt key military application.

General Advantages and Specifications

In 2024, eVTOLs are expected to hit key luxury markets and showcase their feasible and mobility benefits. The wealthy class in Dubai, Las Vegas, Paris, Riyadh, Seoul, Singapore, and Zurich will land in private airports and take their air taxi to the ‘vertiport’ on their office building or condominium. A group of 4, plus a pilot, can skip through traffic at 80-200mph arriving at their location far ahead of any car or train commute almost from door-to-door with no public transport needed.

Recently, the 882 private planes that flew into Las Vegas for Super Bowl LVIII, and over half were travelling 1-hour (+) flights. The billionaire and celebrity market can win over fans and environmentalists with eVTOLs and their lower carbon footprint.


Joby Aviation – a four-seater with six propellors and a range of 150 miles at 200 mph. (United States working with FAA)

Volocopter VoloCity – a two-seater with 18 rotor propellors that can travel 22 miles. (German certification from EASA)

Lilium Pioneer Jet – a six-seater plus luggage, fully customizable at $10M per order. (German certification from EASA)

Vertical Aerospace VX4 – a four-seater + pilot, with a range of 100 miles at 150mph. (UK firm with global certification)

Ehang EH216 – a two-seater fully autonomous, with range of 21 miles and 80 mph. (Chinese certification from CAA)

Sport & Combat

The Place Above the Sky

(February 9th 2024) - Toronto, Canada

Mountaineering: Traditional Outdoor Climbing, Skiing, Skyrunning and traversing Ferratas (steel cable trails). These are activities included in the larger category of Mountain Sports, which includes Indoor Rock Climbing, Bouldering, Sport Climbing (with preset bolts ready to clip in).

Mountaineering has loose guidelines, governed by the community of participants that created a Union internationale des associations d'alpinisme (International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation) to regulate the general guidebooks and gradings. The primary role of the UIAA is leverage their Safety Label, which was created in 1960 – 28 years after the founding of the organization. They have applied their Safety Label to 60 manufacturers and over 1,800 products to ensure safe treks.

Styles of Mountaineering

  • Expedition, common for Alaskan Ranges and Himalayas (5,001-8,500m) the method for a team of climbers to gather with gear, sleds, and pack animals. The team sets up camp as they traverse with day gear and acclimatize to the thinner air and higher altitudes.

    • Expeditions carried out in the ‘eight-thousander’ mountain ranges in the Himalayan and Karakoram are dangerous, attempting to summit will see 1 in 6 will die in the attempt. Thus making Reinhold Messner’s achievement of summitting all of the 14 peaks by 1986, without the aid of supplemental oxygen, something real.

  • Alpine, is common with climbers who are able to carry their own gear on single trip without the need to backtrack to set up various camps. They have presence of nearby outfitters at the base, like the Rocky Mountains and the Alps, allowing climbers to reach mountain  peak (2,000 – 5,000m)  – if altitude sickness like High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) or High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) is faced.

As per Ian McNaught-Davis, UIAA President 1995-2004

“Most mountaineers and climbers regard our activity as a freedom sport, in other words it is free of rules and regulations, we are free to do it where we like, when we like and with anyone we choose. But this is not quite correct. We have a code of ethics and behaviour in mountains involving respect for the natural environment and consideration for others involved in our sport. Although strictly speaking these are not rules but concepts that have been accepted by most of us for many years and largely they are respected and work well.

Due to the extreme nature of the environment, and relative isolation of the activity – despite their desire for freedom, climbers need to make sure that they have passed many grades of training before they begin their trek.


The Third Place

(January 20th 2024) - Toronto, Canada

In modern life, most people divide their time either at their home, or their place of work. However, in a thriving democratic society there are also neutral communal spaces, where people gather and express themselves – the Third Place.

These familiar spots are the Town Square, the Local pub, the Barber shop salon, or the Community Centre library, they are inclusive places to celebrate culture. More than that, they are an important place for one to relax and be themselves in a group of like-minded countryfolk.

In Ray Oldenburg’s book ‘The Great Good Place’ (1989), he notes suburbanization has caused the American culture to see a disappearance of shared spaces. It is imperative to understand the value of a communal place for all walks of life, with a desire to gather and talk. The result is a thriving community where people make acquaintance with regulars and build on friendships, as they discuss politics and social events – the true manifestation of a democracy. The benefits of these places are that people can be playful, build community and explore their social persona.

In a society built around the car for transportation, the Town Square finds itself lost and no longer the free low-cost place to meet friends. In many cases, the ‘Third Place’ has been co-opted as a commodity where we have time limits or we are called out for loitering, if we have no intent to buy something. A Starbucks in the middle of the mall may decline the right to serve, due to corporate policy. Other models may charge membership, to better group those from a similar economic stratum into Country Clubs or specialized Gyms, limiting the voices that are heard there.

As the pace of modern life, and cost of living often requires dual-income families, we see the Third Place disintegrate as the time to support the Church fades away, or families can’t all stop by the local ballpark to watch a game. Instead, children gather within their peer groups, and in many cases return home alone and join the digital ‘Third Place’ being created online. Without shared Third Places for families, the bonds and connections are lost, as well as shared traditions.

By participating in larger communal spaces, we stimulate our social self and build ties with people who we have seen from a distance. The intention of the Third Place is to be joyful and conversive, but the result can also allow for greater discussion and debate. The outcome of these spaces is a trusted community, to share the best of life or when in times of need we can literally gather at our hub to work through the disasters.

Today, we see growing social anxieties showcased in Zoomer’s, who stress about their digital identities far more than any previous generation. Similarly, Millennial and Gen-X parents are facing a “Friendship Recession” as post-pandemic society rebuilds, but with more time being spent at home. The fractures here could explain why people feel more divided from their neighbours, and in alliance with the political causes of social media groups – their self-designed ‘Third Place’ in a Facebook community.

With the promise of Augmented Reality (AR) technologies on the horizon, our handheld screens which have literally locked in our vision, can be replaced with a shared virtual experience in social settings. The technologists should reference the works of Urbanist’s Edward Soja who built ideas around the importance of this ‘Third Space’ in modern cities.

As we plan to build forward technology to support our lives, we should not forget how the Car impacted the Town Square, and how 2-Dimensional screens isolated us, so it is of the utmost importance to make sure the next vehicle for expression remembers the importance of community.  


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