Zaha Hadid - Messner Mountain Museum / Corones, Italy

Genuine Report // 016

Sixteenth Edition


  • 2020

    The new narrative has been set.

  • Forecast

    When do we hit bottom?

  • Politics and Religion

    The Future of the Global Supply Chain

  • Sports & Combat


  • Mixtape XVI

    New Guitars and Reverb

  • Architecturalscape

    21st Century Design and Space

2020 //

The new narrative has been set.

If you haven’t heard, it’s a good idea to wash your hands.

A 20 second lather is the best fight against the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), first to appear in Wuhan, China (Dec. 2019) with a spread to South Korea, Iran, Italy, and the Globe. The U.S. now the epicenter. Trusted information from World Health Organizations (WHO) and the Johns Hopkins Map notes the spread, while Governments place emergency measures, Corporations enact their Business Continuity Plans, and the economy reacts with epic daily swings of loss and earnings.

Gold rises, Oil drops, Global travel halts, Chinese exports stall, and a mass exodus of CEOs show their true ‘leadership’ as they confidently step down in early Q1 2020.

Protestors in Hong Kong, France, Chile and elsewhere shut down amid pandemic crisis.


Tensions in the Middle East rise as the U.S. assassinated Iranian Quds commander Maj. Gen Soleimani while in Iraq. Iran shoots down Boeing 737 Ukrainian jetliner, and airstrikes continually occur throughout the region. Israeli /Palestine Peace plan falls flat, and Taliban / U.S. Peace treaty is non-existent with U.S. Military air carrier shot down even inciting disinformation CIA Chief Michael D’Andre was killed. Making matters worse, the Afghanistan 2019 presidential race resulted with both Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah holding inauguration ceremonies. The U.S. Tennessee atomic submarine is released into the Atlantic, and U.S. loosens military use of anti-personnel land mines.

Trump impeachment overturned by Senate (55/45). Trump’s loans from Deutsche confirmed to be backed by Russian VTB bank. PM of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev (previous President 08-12) resigns. Putin ‘reluctantly’ to stay in power till 2036. Taipei re-elects DPP President Tsai Ing-wen antagonizing relations with China. Spain forms a leftist social coalition government. Brexit was enacted. Sein Finn surprised the Irish electorate with a minority win.

Business and Commodities

Ø  ‘EARN IT’ – U.S. Congress push to restrict end-to-end encryption on communication platforms.

Ø  Tesla earlier this year soared 120% with a peak in Feb., tied to deals and factory set in China.

Ø  Gold – up 5% this Q1, analysts question growth will continue, Russia even holding off on purchase binge.

Ø  Oil – Lack of global demand, oversupply from Russia and OPEC - results in 60% drop with oil at $20/bbl.

History will recount this time, and politicians and governments are seizing on that narrative. From an optics perspective - China leads by sending aid to Europe, while America turns it down while keeping sanctions pressed on Iran. The U.S. CARES act signed into law, a 2.2T stimulus for the economy as the Western world hunkers down for months in Self Quarantine and closed businesses.

Only time will tell how this plays out, but one thing is for sure; the culture will never be the same.

Forecast //

When do we hit bottom?

The question isn’t if we will fall into a recession, but if we are currently in the recession and most importantly when will it end.

The most optimistic outlook is a ‘V’ shaped recovery, which will be reflect in infections rate from COVID-19 going down and job employment going up. A pessimistic outlook is an ‘I’ shaped market, weighed down by overleveraged companies in 2019 and continued disruption to global supply chain.

Governments have lowered interest rates to encourage borrowing and investment, while in turn providing short-term relief programs for citizens and companies. 


As an investor, beyond a magic 8-ball, it is hard to determine where one should place their money.  There is opportunity to support the economy and receive strong returns, but keep in mind others are looking to prey on it, short the market and upset the traditional foundation of the economy.

With foresight, investments in home services would have been a good position; Work - Zoom (ZM; 120%), Media - Netflix (NFLX: 16%), Gaming - Nvidia (NVDA: 12%), e-Commerce – Amazon (AMZN: 5%), Tele-Medicine – TelaDoc (TDOC: 86%)

How to Buy into a Downturn Market and Mitigate Risk

As the market has dropped over 30%, and despite a correction being due, this has presented a unique opportunity to buy into strong companies at a low price. Although one cannot predict the bottom of the market, by easing into the market in installments one can mitigate risk. If the market continues to drop, then by continuing to buy in through stages allows the investment to take advantage of the drop. If the market has bottomed out, staged buying into the stocks growth will still provide a return on its upswing as the markets return to normal later this year or early next?


               If you look at the market as a low point with opportunity to grow, then by following Warren Buffet’s investment motto to invest in quality companies and for long-term growth – the goal would be to choose well-positioned companies, and invest in the top 3 that have been sitting on your lists.

               Some suggestions of strong brands and balance sheets…

Visa (V:NYSE) – The downturn has resulted in a loss of years’ worth in earnings, a strong position in Touchless Payments for a growing global market, as a processing company they are not intertwined risks burdened by a lender – they are set to rebound fast.

Microsoft (MSFT:NASDAQ) – The software and cloud computing giant saw little impact on its stock price this quarter, but at highs in Feb. is did 20% gains, which its suite of services (including Teams) will look to regain its lustre Q3 and Q4 this year.


Leisure Markets (Cruise Ships, Hotels Chains) will suffer this year and Airlines are always a risky bet, despite the price of gas being at its lowest point this century. For those determined to invest, you need to figure out who will last the storm, but look at those with the most cash on their balance sheet.

Politics and Religion //

The Future of the Global Supply Chain

Despite being a globalized world, a variety of languages (and cultures) are distributed throughout the world. Nikolaus Freeman created the Endonym Map, a World Map, with all the countries and territories named in their local language. The map visualizes how different we are, and who is directly connected with who.

In 2020, it is apparent how interconnected we are in this global village, but that does not imply all cultures have the same global plan. In their article Chained to Globalization (Foreign Affairs), Henry Farrell and Abraham L. Newman outline the current state and weakness in today’s global supply chain. Their insights reveal that one driving force for behind Trump’s U.S. is to redefine the unchecked supply chain and information networks, with a design to re-establish American dominance and align a stronger military strategic position.

After World War II, the U.S. drove the liberal world order with its global allies, and Russia acted as a counter weight while both Germany and Japan were forced to sit quiet. Institutions like the United Nations, International Monetary Fund and World Bank set an international union, and international business took off. In Brussels, the Society of Worldwide International Financial Transactions (SWIFT) was established to ease the exchange of funds, and to paraphrase Farrell/Newman also set the grounds for financial sanctions and opportunities to militarize the financial system by hobbling emerging countries.

Ironically, the U.S. established the principles for the international order yet consistently flaunted the rules to the point where they actively overturned 72 governments between 1965 – 1995.

When the U.S. to moved into Iraq to remove Weapons of Mass Destruction in 2003, they did so because they were the one who sold them to Iraq and wanted them back as Iraq posed a danger. As the U.S. now attempts to temper China’s ability to set up 5G technology, they know China would be able to utilize the infrastructure set-up to capitalize on the informational nodes to capture information and weaponize them as sanction tools. The U.S know this because these were the actions taken by the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency in late 20th and early 21st century.

Some Americans devalue China’s rise, comparing it to the concerns of Russia or that a growing Japan in the 1980’s. For China to succeed they need to surpass the emerging country curse of peaking at a $10,000 per capita value and empower its people to surpass the Middle Class or at least get the opportunity. For that reason, China relies on a stable global environment and exchange of goods. With the shocks from COVID-19, questions of China power as a global manufacturing hub are questionable, while the U.S. will look towards Mexico as a long-term replacement.

A move to Mexico provides a better ability to track the chain of labour, food, chemicals, parts and goods while setting standards for the rest of the world to follow suit. Similar to SWIFT codes, new tracking requirements through QR codes and enhanced blockchain could establish a global standard.

 Earlier this century, Japan reacted to a complaint South Korea raised about slave labour in WWII that resulted in key chemicals being held from Samsung, which in turn the Koreans reacted by holding back Heating Oil from Japan. The countries interdependences left them at a stalemate because each were blind to their reliance on each other.

Globalization impedes war, as countries are interconnected for mass production. Although peace is a good thing militaries feels this exposes them as a weakness in their armour to protect the nation. By setting new global tracking standards for the supply chain, Militaries will be able to develop key contingency plans in case they have to go to war in the 21st century.

Sports & Combat 


With Arena, Stadiums and Courts left empty across the nations. Professional Athletes rest up alongside the rest of the world, held up in self isolation watching docu-series and classic sporting events to get a fix.

The 2020 Summer Olympics (2020年夏季オリンピック), have been postponed to an undisclosed date for the Summer of 2021.

On March 23rd 2020, Canada was the first country to announce they would not be sending their athletes to the games of the XXXII Olympiad, for the safety of their athletes to be protected from the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Australia and Great Britain soon followed suit and then Japanese President Shinzo Abe officially declared that Tokyo 2020 is postponed to undeclared date in the summer of 2021.

Over 14,000 Athletes, expecting to compete in 400 competitive games this Summer, ‘sigh’ as they dreams are pushed off but their consideration for safety was paramount.

Since its renewal in 1896, the Olympics have faced global turmoil before, interestingly the 1940 Olympics set to be held in Tokyo were cancelled due to World War II. There have been other delays and partial attendance for the Olympics but this year is the first year an event has been postponed with plans to be held on an odd year.

Mixtape XVI

New Guitars and Reverb

Mura Masa predicts to NME Magazine that the future of music is guitar rock, this coming from a producer who has a list of credits with top R&B / Hip Hop artists.

Seems like a normal reaction to a decade dominated by Hip Hop Production, EDM and Pop hits, however, it does wonder if Guitars and Reverb won’t be replaced with something else yet understood. Sure, there is a need for the tangible and ’authentic’ but will that recycle into a future punk/rock or will a new sound emerge - right in front of everyone’s eyes but only visible to the modern teen.

Of course. Mura Masa stated this before all the clubs were boarded and shuttered, and public gatherings were punishable by a fine. Let’s see what grows out of the cultures brewing behind the closed doors across the nations.


                                                             Top 5      

  1. Pelea – Minima (Static Shock)

  2. Sweet – Porridge Radio (Secretly Canadian)

  3. Mansplain – THICK (Epitaph)

  4. Bad Decisions – The Strokes (Cult Records)

  5. Dance of the Clairvoyants – Pearl Jam (Republic)

Albums that Popped

BTS - Map of the Soul: 7

The Weeknd: Afterhours

Donald Glover: Presents.

Other High Water Marks in Culture…

Kobe Bryant passes in helicopter accident

Elon Musk drops a techno track

Goop’s candle ‘Smells like My Vagina’


21st Century Design and Space


Zaha Hadid is the worlds most renowned Architect, despite her passing in March 2016.

The Iraqi born architect has established the architectural aesthetic for the 21st century throughout the world. Her creations have resulted in some of the most highly anticipated structures (Daxing Airport, Beijing) and redefined form (Heydar Aliyev Centre, Azerbaijan).

By using the computer as a drawing tool, she developed new forms and shapes in traditional architecture. Growing up in Baghdad, Iraq in the early 1970’s she was exposed to modernist architecture and as she grew her technical skills, she was able to bring a fluidity into a brutalist modern landscape.

ZHA Architects - 450 employees; has adopted her flare and style and continues her work on all the continents, via grand signature buildings, all the way down to furniture, products and clothes (e.g. Louis Vuitton bag)

List of Creations and Developments

  • 600 Collins St, Melbourne, Australia

  • Wangjing Soho, Beijing, China

  • Guangzhou Opera House, Guangzhou, China

  • London Aquatics Centre, London, U.K.

  • Serpentine Sackler Gallery, London, U.K.

  • Antwerp Port House, Antwerp, Belgium

  • Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul, Republic of Korea

  • Pierres Vives, Montpellier, France

  • Zaragoza Bridge Pavilion, Zaragoza, Spain

  • Phaeno Science Center, Wolfsburg, Germany

  • National Museum of 21st Century Arts (MAXXI), Rome, Italy

  • Nordpark Innisbuk Railstation

  • Innovation Tower, Hong Kong, China

  • KAPSARC, Energy Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Zaha steps outside the traditional limits of brick and mortar architecture, and brings a dynamic energy that moves beyond the confines of 20th century industrialism and bureaucracy. By escaping straight lines via technological innovation, with an intent to blend with natural forms of the environment.

There it is, the 21st Century youth movement in a nutshell, respect nature and love technology.   


017 / Q3 2020


015 / Q1 2020