Since Then, a whole lot has changed

If you pulled out of the equity markets at the start of last quarter, you must be feeling confident, as all global indexes peaked and hit a downturn.

The world now needs to wait for Tech. Stocks (FAANG) and Global Trade to settle into Q2 2019, despite grim predictions for Q1 some see a silver lining in South Korean equities and in digital payment companies.  

The unsettled economy is also echoed by a bare bone U.S. Executive branch with both Chief of Staff John Kelly and U.S. Secretary of Defense General James Mattis leaving Jan. 1st 2019. In the U.S. mid-terms, Republicans lost the House although retaining the Senate, meaning the Executive branch will face more opposition in the next 2 years.

Instead of bringing China into the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with Russia, Trump proposes the pull out method. He surprised military brass with a similar approach to pull out of Afghanistan and Syria, causing many step down, and now to be led by Patrick Shanahan former Boeing Executive.

In Brazil, the Populist Jair Bolsonaro becomes a president, Angela Merkel steps down leader of Christian Democratic Union and will not pursue Chancellor of Germany in 2021. Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed Bin Salman orders assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkish Embassy and signaling to the world how business is done in the Kingdom. India erects the world’s largest statue (182M) of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

The Internet may get 100 times faster with ‘Twisted’ Fibre Optics, and the platinum ingot ‘Le Grand K’ defining a kilogram measure is replaced with the precise electromagnet Kibble Balance.

NASA finds a perfectly rectangular Iceberg in Antarctica, Black Sea MAP find a fully intact Greek Ship from 400BC, Obvious’ AI generated Art work sold for Auction at Christie’s, and China is perfecting ‘Nuclear Fusion’ for a clean form energy at the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak in Hefei.

Ø  Facebook – Facebook Dating is now in Columbia, Canada and Thailand

Ø  Amazon – Brings HQ2 to both Arlington, Virginia and Long Island, New York investing 2.5B in each area.

Ø  AT&T – With Time Warner content, they plan to start a streaming site alongside Apple and Disney. The Streaming landscape is going to look very different at the end of 2019.

Ø  IBM – buys Red Hat (distributor of Linux) for 34B.

Ø  Gold – rises 7% in Q4, referencing a good bet for 2019 as an inverse relationship to the U.S. economy 

Ø  Oil – have drops dramatic 40%, nobody is expecting prices to drop further nor make many gains in Q1

Forecast /

‘White Oil’

Renewable energy is getting cheaper to produce, more scalable and becoming a competitor to fossil fuel power generation. The result will be a cleaner generation of energy from Solar, Wind and Wave technologies that will require a place to store the collected energy for use and distribution. Enter global battery technology, currently tapped to be the Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) market, since replacing the Nickel Cadmium model.

In 2017, the value of Li-Ion Market was 25B with an expected growth to 47B by 2023

The rechargeable Li-Ion Battery (LIB) allows for a high density of energy that can be collected quickly and dispersed over a long duration, perfect for smartphones, electric cars and solar home storage units. Lithium ions flow between the anode and cathode when submersed in an electrolyte to cause a discharge. Versions are Lithium Cobalt, Lithium Manganese Oxide, Lithium Iron Phosphate, Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide, Lithium Nickel Coal Aluminum and Lithium Titanate.

If you look at historical technological leaps and bounds, they were always tied to energy storage which allow a decades old ideas to come to market – the Walkman, an iPod, Telsa.

Where does Lithium come from?

               Chile, where President Sebastián Piñera has opened the country international licensing, Argentina (Mariana) or Australia (Mt. Marion) and the Democratic Republic of Congo although frought with supply-chain concerns.

Who is Producing Lithium (The Big 5)

>  Albemarle Corp. (Chile)

>  Sociedad Quimica y Mineral –SQM (Chile)

Ganfeng Lithium Co. (Jiangxi, China)

o    Partnered with International Lithium (Canada)

>  FMC Lithium of America Corp.

>  Tianqi Lithium Corp.

How it is manufactured into batteries

>  Panasonic Corporation

>  Samsung SDI Co. LTD

>  LG Chemical Power (LGCPI)

>  A123 Systems LLC

>  Toshiba Corporation and Hitachi Chemical Co.

>  Johnson Controls

>  Tesla

The market appears very bullish on the Lithium, which can be promising but also draws in false-prophets looking to make quick returns on speculations and support of mineral exploratory companies. So tread carefully, when considering investing in Mining and Venture capitalists. The safer investment would appear to invest in manufacturers as the market is destined to grow, despite new advanced in Triboelectric Nanogenerator’s (TENGs), Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Sodium-Ion batteries in development – these will take years to be adopted into the market. It is likely Lithium-Ion will be enhanced with Solid State developments or other faster charging mechanisms to remain the key player for years.

Politics and Religion /

“it’s getting hot in here”

  • Edward Burtynsky’s Anthropocene, recently released at the AGO (Toronto), depicts a natural transition in the world historical Epochs as we have officially entered the Human Epoch. The scale of human activity will be felt for the remainder of the lifespan of this globe, and with this great stride, also comes a lot of rhetoric and a lot of science released over the years to argue the exact impact of the activity.

    The 21st century will witness an immense global climate change, and questions loom as to the source for this development. Is it cyclical geothermal changes, solar flares or is it human activity ultimately tied to excessive carbon output? Regardless, the result is Carbon Dioxide levels have not been this high in 3-5 Million year, resulting in a situation that some have dubbed as the most important threat to human civilization this century. Despite the end result, there are two divided sides looking to profit on how we handle this situation.

  • Liberals tax business, consumers and industry that profits off of cheap extraction and destruction of the commons. The result is Cap-and-Trade systems, where big “polluters” pay a heavier tax or purchase credits from a low-carbon footprint agent. Individuals are pushed towards public transit and eating plant based diets, which furthers the divide for politics and personal choice. The profiteers can be seen as those trafficking in fear, and green corporations reaping subsidy support from Tax Schemes. However, as North America waffles about its support – 200 countries signed onto the 2015 Paris Agreement are pushing towards leading technology developments in Solar, Wind and Wave energy generation as clean alternatives to fossil fuels.

  • Conservatives deny human activity is responsible for the resulting increase in climate change, and large mining companies, oil industry representatives and plastics corporations are promoting business as usual.

    A push for deregulation and continued subsidies are needed to prop up the traditional economy, and profits rise to the top 1% of the population. Coal technology presented as a ‘Clean’ option, Oil companies build pipelines through natural reserves and plastics companies promote recycling as a solution, in the face of Country bans on single use plastics like water bottles and straws. The profiteers in this scenario are corporate boards and lobbyist who are paying off American government officials to promote Oil, Coal and the plastic economy.

From an investment standpoint, the long term play is to support the Green Corps and Renewable

Energy sector – which is likely to compete on Energy Output with Traditional Fossil Fuels by 2028. Not only, is the youth generation in support of the alternative fuels, and the projected impact of climate change will continue to impact the Earth, referenced as evidence we need to change key habits.

Real Estate also becomes an interesting consideration, if the coastlines are impacted by rising seas level, larger storms and most dramatic temperature fluctuations, then cities more inland with direct access to large waterways like Colorado River, Mississippi River and supporting tributaries may become more attractive for corporate Headquarters and large investments. Key regions to focus on Texas (U.S), but a theme would be to basically move North to places like Ontario (Canada), Nuuk (Greenland), Egvekinot (Siberia).

Sports & Combat /

Bo-taoshi, a Japanese noble sport

Bo-taoshi (棒倒し), translated to ‘Pole-Toppling’, is a Japanese game traditionally played at ceremonial events between school academies and the National Defense Agency (防大) cadets. The game pits 150 members (75 defense and 75 offense) from two teams battle it out to take down the other teams pole or lower it below a 30 degree angle (140cm from the ground). The result is a mix between capture the flag and rugby, with its own unique style.

The offense, wearing the team colour, attacks the opponent’s defense to topple the pole. Each team simultaneously attacks the other on opposite ends of the field. The attack moves from the brute force on the focused on the base of the pole, while springboard attacker’s step off their teammates and leap toward the top of the pole. The defense, wearing white, work inwards to protect the 11.8 foot pole – with a prized Ninja on top of the pole to counterbalance threats to the base.

Each team has 90 sec. to take down the pole, if neither side succeeds the game re-starts for a second round. If no winner arises after that, then a lottery decides. Previously, the game was 120 sec., and continuous play until a winner resulted.

The origin is undocumented, but is often linked to Japanese games of the 19th century, with Bo-taoshi combining them in the 1890’s. The game finds a home with Educational Academies and Military Cadets, as it builds camaraderie and inclusionary support in the institutions. The Cadets go on to serve in one of the 3 branches (Army, Navy and Air Force) in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (自衛隊) and Academic Alumni return for annual support.

The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, does not have it on the docket. However, sports enthusiast traveling to Japan can view this and other cultural sports teeming under the surface within the country.

Mixtape XI /

and the Best of 2018

Is this a nod that Robert Del Naja is truly Banksy?

Massive Attack released a 20 year reissue of Mezzanine in Spray Can form with 1 million copies encoded in DNA.

Top Five of 2018

1. Now U Got Me Hooked – Nicolas Jaar (Other People)

2. This is America – Childish Gambino (mcDJ /RCA)

3. Nice for What – Drake (Young Money/Cash Money)

4. Honey – Robyn (Konichiwa)

5. 1999 – Charli XCX and Troye Sivan (Atlantic Records)


1. 2018 BxstMy favourite of 2018

2. Acoustic BloodRock, Drop n’ Roll

3. Just Old (I feel it in my knees…)So old yet so good.

Top Highlights

§  Everything Trump, and every day to day shock.

§  Kayne West, despite any good music

§  Fortnite took the youth and even broke up marriages


Eighth Grade – Dir. Bo Burnham (A24)

Black Mirror’s ‘Bandersnatch’ – Dir. David Slade (Netflix)

Crazy Rich Asians – Dir. John M. Chu (Warner Bros.)

Artscape /

Dimensional Art

As Banksy creates the first live auction piece by shredding ‘Girl With Balloon’ seconds after it sold for 1.1M USD, thus creating ‘Love is in the Bin’ which is now worth double. Working within different dimensions in Art is not new, and it’s growing new audiences with tech-modern audiences.

3 Dimensional Art – Tom Deininger

               One contemporary artist at the forefront of 3-Dimensional work is Tom Deininger (American) who works with found objects to create picturesque images when viewed from a specific vantage point. His Self Portrait reveals the work in progress, and how it all comes together.         

Tom’s process is to locate found objects, and then place them in a particular place and order that will bring out a moment in relation to all other objects in its surroundings. Tom may use a mirror, he may affix the pieces to a canvas, but his end result is to capture a fixed image amongst the 3-D pieces.

4 Dimensional Art - EyeJack

               Pick up your phone, scan the QR Code and then step back as you watch the image infront of you come to life. Your phone will play out a scene that engages the art works best features and brings them out to you. This experience has been brought to you by EYEJACK, an Augmented Reality App.

The Eyejack App, allows artists to take a 2-Dimensional pieces and move it into a 4-Dimensional experience. The Australian Collective of over 50 artists and growing are tied into this new method for experiencing art. Sutueatsflies, co-creator of EyeJack, has been crafted tattoos that could be viewed in Augmented Reality as moving images – which will just be the start to this new medium.


012 / Q2 2019


010 / Q4 2018