Genuine Report / 019

Nineteenth Edition


  • New Year

    New Day ahead

  • Market Finances

    Renewed confidence meets future fears of a crash

  • Forecast

    Brainstorm a business to life

  • Politics and Religion

    Soldiers of fortune

  • Sports & Combat

    The world’s oldest competition

  • Mixtape XIX

  • Fashionscape

    The proper time piece

New Year /

New Day ahead

On December 21st, the cosmos aligned in the Great Solstice Conjunction, properly closing out an epic year.

A symbolic transition many hope promises an awakened 2021, leaving behind the devastation of 2020 (and previous years). With the World Economic Forum presenting this time as an opportunity for a Great Reset, a Fourth Industrial Revolution in stakeholder capitalism, raising concerns the global elite are preparing a society where lower classes only rent and have no ownership.  

COVID-19 has left a behind body count and shaky start to the trust of a vaccine distribution. The impact extends beyond health, as global travel and business halt in place, leaving many reliant on government policy support.


Globe / NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex returns with samples from the Bennu Asteroid, Japanese Hayabusa-2 space returns with samples from Ryugu Asteroid.  Pope Francis is open to same-sex marriage, visits Iraq in symbol of peace and encourages Catholics to accept COVID-19 vaccine research. Pzifer and Moderna are first to release COVID-19 vaccine, and conjecture about the side effects run rampant, while AstraZeneca not far behind with their vaccine.  

North America / The highest voter turn-out in a U.S. Presidential election results in Biden-Harris ticket, with many legal challenges from the incumbent overturned. Amy Coney Barrett replaces Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court, Canadian’s in rural regions are beta-testing SpaceX’s new internet service Starlink.

Europe / Britain exit European Union with a ‘thin-deal’ agreement, Russian Peace-Keepers bring calm to Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict and will remain there indefinitely, large protests are held in Poland to fight for Women’s Right to Abortion and prevent government overreach.

Africa and Middle East / Ethiopia’s fight with Tigray People’s Liberation Front could lead to civil war. The Polisaro Front ends a cease fire in Western Sahara backed by Algeria in their stance against Morocco. Nigeria’s protest against police violence results in police violence. Israel sets March 23rd for the 4th election in 2 years. Abraham Accords gain ground with Israeli-Gulf Arab relations in building financial coalitions further isolating Iran. However, Israel continues attacks on Palestinian settlements and demolished stairway to Al-Aqsa Mosque on temple of the mount curbing Turkish influence in Jerusalem. Iranian Nuclear scientist is assassinated by the West.


Asia / Suu Kyi is re-elected in Burma, while Bangladesh migrates 100K Rohingya to island to Bay of Bengal. India holds world largest protest 250K strong against the ‘three farms act’ de-regulations to open markets. Modi calls for a new 4-tiered Global Index at G20 summit, while India blocks 200 Chinese-led Apps including Aliexpress.

South America / Chile’s progressives pass a referendum to draft a new constitution in 2021, Morales re-enters Bolivia with Arce winning Presidential Election, Peru’s election contested with various leaders taking the helm before settling in dismay with a 22 candidates running in new elections in 2021. Bolsonaro almost ousted from leadership of Brazil as questions surround his leadership, Argentina’s President Fernández to decriminalize Abortion beyond its current scope. Venezuela’s Supreme Court decision leans toward Maduro taking control of the country in early 2021.

Market Finances /

Renewed confidence meets future fears of a crash

Outlook for Q1 2021

With the COVID vaccine in release and the U.S. Election settled, there is a renewed confidence in the markets and the results are showing a trend upwards for growth stocks and indexes. However, naysayers are reading into the movements of the likes of Warren Buffet and fear the economy is propped up and due for a crash. Whereas the safest approach may be moderate, as explained by RBC Global Asset Management “Our base case scenario sees the economy reclaiming its prior peak over the next one to two years and approaching its long-term growth trajectory in 2023, still supported by significant fiscal and monetary stimulus”.

Big Tech

Big Tech is facing strong legislative obstacles, with suits against Google’s search services and advertising. Facebook is taking notes, and they are also facing Anti-Trust lawsuit calling for a break-up of the monolith. There is also public and government scrutiny in social media’s role as a content curator of News versus a being considered as a publisher. This has placed platforms, like Twitter to take stronger monitoring of disinformation on their platforms, raising real fear of growing censorship.

Speculative investors eye Jumia Tech (JMIA: NYSE) as the potential “Amazon” of Africa. China’s Ant IPO is delayed due to new lending regulations to ensure 30% in holdings, not 2%. Some suspect, President Xi prevented the FinTech from going to market due to comments from Founder Jack Ma.

Ø  Gold Investors worried about debt from government stimulus to support financial markets, may push Gold 20%(+) by end of 2021

Ø  Oil – Unless OPEC+ meeting in early Jan. ‘21 result in dramatic policy change, analysts predict a modest drop in Oil prices.

Ø  Bitcoin – 2020 saw its highest records, and crypto secure a place as a macro asset – although short term correction is likely near

Forecast /

Brainstorm a business to life

If you have a business idea, why not take steps to start up a business.

Creating a business to generate income, beyond your current employment, can also provide tax benefits for you and your family. Although that is not the driving intention of the article, it is wise to note a smart business owner can leverage their business for personal entrepreneurial rewards from the Government. The Tax benefits are present by the Government to incentives citizens to start business’ and ultimately build up the economy.

Of course, starting a business does imply you have an idea or method to generate income beyond your salary or employer income. However, with technology and a grand vision your idea is right around the corner – now can you take the risk?

 In Ontario, Canada follow these simple guidelines

1.    Define your business model, industry, and ownership structure

o   Sole proprietorship – where you are the owner and the Taxes of the business are linked to your personal tax account, which is a benefit when business losses can offset other income gains. However, this structure ties you to the debt and liabilities of the business.

o   Partnership – where you and others are the owners and define financial responsibilities and percentage through a contract. These percentages apply to you Taxes, with the same pros and cons of a Proprietorship.

o   Incorporation – preferable for businesses generating over 50K/annum. A separate legal entity is generated and owned by its shareholders, allowing owners to become paid employees. With formal ownership shares produces a taxation and legal distance from the owners. However, you cannot apply business expense personal taxes.

§  Traditionally one would incorporate in the province they operate, but if operations are in many provinces or international then federal incorporation would be an option.

§  Although meticulous records must be kept for annual report filing with Taxes, which need to be confirmed as audit by a qualified accountant.

2.  Register your business ($200 in expenses)

o   Apply with Government by defining your head office location, where you are doing business, business name, and structure type.

o   Validate your business name –

§  Make sure it is not taken or trademarked,

§  If you need to register a Trade Name to tack on to your business license name.

·        If your Business name is Bob’s Fishing Supplies, Inc., but marketing the Trade name as Bob’s Bait and Tackle

3.   Depending on your industrylicenses may be required.

4.   Market your Service and Product

o   Create a Website and with assistance with Shopify a secure payment method.

5.   Depending on your Business Structure absorb the Tax benefits.

o   If a version of Proprietorship, you can consider home, car, tools etc. expenses apply toward a write off.

o   If an incorporation, you can distribute your income at varying times or as dividends for a tax benefit.

Politics and Religion /

Soldiers of Fortune

Rome didn’t fall in a day. The death rattle of the empire, some historians say, tie to the need for mercenaries to hold the border. As Roman citizens elected not to fight for the State, the Senate had to outsource the military to hired guns and disenfranchised military, the result became a border defended by the highest bidder.

In the 21st century, a trillion-dollar war machine runs off the mercenary trade, with 50-70% of global conflicts fought by paid warriors. The Sudanese, Syrian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Nigerian, Ukrainian, Russian (Wagner group), Colombian, South African are the most prized outfits. As Russian state power declined in the 90’s, mercenary groups grew. In South Africa – Executive Outcomes rose as the first prestigious outfit of warriors for hire.

Modern mercenary warfare had its foundation set with the U.S. led Iraq war in the early 21st Century. Contracts for basic needs like cooking, transport and supply runs in dangerous zone, often won by contractors like Blackwater, now known as Academi (CEO Erik Prince) who had close ties to Dick Cheney’s company Halliburton. The current U.S. Administrations issued pardons to Blackwater for overseas actions just recently.

 The outsource to private companies costs more than traditional military services yet the contractor ironically has little to no accountability to the taxpayers. Although flipping the bill, members of Congress are not privy to the ongoings of these agencies. The International Stability Operations Association (ISOA) in Washington, D.C. and the Business Association of Private Security Companies in London are the trade organization devoted to this business.


The game of war is exceptionally easy to participate in, and anyone can join in (e.g., ‘War Dogs’) to bid on open government contracts for Arms supply, distribution, or militia support. Ultimately, the high-priced extortion by America defense corporations found itself replaced with young men from war-torn countries willing to fight for $600 - $2000 per month. Expressions of this warfare for hire are exemplified in the annexation of Crimea, and the battles in Syria with private armies for hire purchased by Russia fighting against Americas, rebels, and Kurdish forces. With America’s plans to stepdown U.S. led forces in Afghanistan, State run troops backing out the for hire corporate organization move in with American interests still maintained.


So Why Private Armies?

1) Ease to scale up and down

2) Public Image at Home do not showcase citizens dying and creating moral conflict

3) Plausible Deniability


Multi-National Corporate partners also require services from these outfits for their own interests in insecure regions. G4S, British multinational security firm with 600,000 employees worldwide – specializes in this private security contractors. The long-term question is when mercenaries start protecting our borders and fighting our enemies, who are the fighting for? Ultimately, the answer is simple - the highest bidder.  

Sports & Combat /

The world’s oldest competition

If there ever was a sport that references the Elite Upper Class, it is Sport Sailing.

The entry to join this sport is much costlier than the equipment to join an American Football Team, a Canadian Hockey Team and even a global Ski Team. To become good at sailing, one needs to have access to a Yacht, a harbour and a nice pair of shoes.

One form of Sport Sailing is Yacht Racing, so who is the best at it?

This coming March 2021, the 36th America's Cup will take place in Waitemata Harbour, New Zealand. The 2017 Defending Club is the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron - the Emirates Team New Zealand w. Helmsman Peter Burling. They will face the winner of the Prada Cup, either the Circolo della Vela Sicilia team ‘Luna Rossa Challenge’ led by Max Sirena, the Royal Cornwall Yacht Club - Ineos Team led by Ben Ainsie, the NYYC ‘America Magic’ led by Terry Hutchinson and Bella Mente.

All contenders will be sailing the AC75 high performance class of hydrofoil monohull, a double-skinned mainsail, and no keel. With potential speeds up to 40 knots based on computer simulation, each boat will be crewed 11 with 1 optional guest


The America’s Cup started in 1851 by the Royal Yacht Squadron (R.Y.S.) for a race around the Isle of Wight, U.K., and was won by the New York Yacht Club (NYYC) schooner ‘America’. The prize was the Auld Mug Cup, a sterling silver bottomless ewer and the oldest international sporting trophy, crafted by Garrard & Co. in 1848. The award goes to the winner, who can later be challenged by a club as set by the rules of conduct set out in the 1852 Deed of Gift, which has only amended 5 times. At the onset of the competition only 1 challenger would appeal, but in 1970 this was extended to allow multiple challengers. In 1983, Louis Vuitton took sponsorship relieving the NYYC of helming the events.

The event world's top sailors and yacht designers, and a series of wealthy sponsors. Both skill and design are at the forefront, with the expense of fundraising being a key requirement as it can cost up to 100M USD to compete for the Auld Mug Cup. Under the protocol, each competing club may build two yachts, but two-boat testing is not allowed except for the defender. The rules also specify that the defender will manufacture the foil controlling systems for all teams, while the Challenger of Record will manufacture the foil arms.

Mixtape XIX /                                  

 MukBang is the Korean fascination of eating tied with ASMR the sound of eating. At first glance, the experience may be unsettling at first but quickly becomes captivating. It is simple, watching people eat in excess, and has created superstars on platforms like YouTube. For those who eat the best, like Boki, Bonggil, SIO ASMR and SAS ASMR they have created a fan base bigger than most movie stars.

TikTok reinvented the minute.

First it was dance, then challenges. But there were always the music clips.

For me, it was WitchTok, Alien N.W.O Conspiracy, Ancient Civilization history, and the bathroom mirror pop-104 pyschology lessons that got me hooked. The content is fit for a good ‘Coast to Coast - George Noory’ session on a.m. radio condensed to 0:59 seconds and delivered by Zoomer’s.          

For North Americans it was Charli D’Amelio and Addison Rae that sky rocketed to choreographer fame with dances adapted to a small screen stage. Defined arm movements, tight hips and legs driving new challenges. Whereas Zach King pushes the envelope on editing and magic.

For the North American audience, it was the challenges set to repeat, and attempt to win…

  1. ‘Walk In on your partner naked’ Reaction

  2. Shoe Toss – quick edit – beauty reveal

  3. Flipping a (bathroom) switch – quick edit – clothing swap

  4. The W.A.P Dance

  5. Simply just making bread

              Top Five of 2020

1.  1st Time – Bakar (Black Butter Limited)

2.  Her Revolution – Burial / Thom York / Four Tet (XL)

3.  How will I rest in peace if I’m buried by the highway – Kennyhoopla (Mogul Vision)

4.  Social Cues – Teezo Touchdown (self-released)

5.  Craziest Things - Babeheaven (AWAL)


2020XxlsXps  – Top 25 of 2020

random – mix of this and that

Tik Tok Great Hitests – just a minute.

Fashionscape /

The proper time piece

Just as with jewelry, the wristwatch is recognized as an heirloom of generational investment. The craftsmanship required to create a masterful timepiece sets it apart from many other accessories. The design must be technological precise, withstand intense pressures at all heights and depths of the Earth, all while looking stylish.

The Watch defines 20th Century ingenuity and style, will it remain only in the history books or extend its technological relevance in the 21st century as a Wearable?

At its start, in the Boer Wars soldiers would strap them to their wrist in support of their efforts, while similarly Parisian women found them an exciting showcase as jewelry. In 1916, when the ‘Watch’ was first observed in America, the New York Times referred to the bracelet-with-a-clock as a ‘silly-ass fad’.  The change from a pocket watch to one worn on the wrist, was quickly accepted as its use revealed itself in the Great War and technological resiliency proved its worth. It is practicality and extending technology development present the Wristwatch as a must have fashion accessory from Midcentury onwards.   

For Men in the 1960’s, Steve McQueen defined cool and his ‘personal watch of choice was a Rolex Submariner, always worn on his right wrist, but the watch he’s most closely associated with is the Heuer Monaco 1133’ associated with the movie ‘Le Man’s’ and ultimately tied to the Formula One race scene and the largest engine of male bravado.

For all genders in the 1980’s, fashion gravitated towards disposability, challenging traditional craftsmanship for digital modernity. Colourful Swatches and Calculator Casio watches using Quartz technology found their way on most nightstands.

               In the 21st century, many predict the wristwatch would earn its title as a ‘silly-ass fad’ and disappear and its utilization will become replace with more intuitive and ethereal tech. Despite the predictions, thus far, watches are coveted from afar on the wrist of the rich, powerful, and famous. The rapper Drake capitalized on this during is track in early 2020 with Future, ‘Life is Good’ to introduce designer Virgil Abloh’s yet to be released Phillipe Patek Nautilus covered in Emeralds.

Top Men’s Watches for 2021

A Lange & Söhne – Lange 1 Time Zone an upgrade to the 15-year-old classic, retaining the city ring and crown-based synchronization with new indicators for day and night dials. ($60,000 USD)

Andersen Geneve – A 40th Anniversary of the Tempus Terrae, powered by a two-crown mechanism with a ‘blue-gold’ dial ($100,000 USD)

Audemars Piguet – [Re]master01 based on a 1940’s design, it features the calibre 4409 flyback chronograph in a 40mm steel case with pink-gold details, champagne dial and blued steel hands. ($75,000 USD)

Blancpain Bathyscaphe Mokarran, a modern diving watch in a limited edition run of 50, with a % of the purchase being donated to the Mokarran Protection Society specific to the great hammerhead shark’s protection. ($15,000 USD)

o Breitling – Endurance Pro is a lightweight, ultra-accurate, quartz powered model design of athletic leisure wear, and comes in five coloured dials with matching rubber strap. ($4,000 USD)


020 / Q2 2021


018 / Q4 2020